The Best in Functional Medicine - Telehealth with Interlinked Wellness

Functional Medicine
Anna Evans
July 8, 2024
min read
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Are you tired of doctors that don’t give you their full attention?

Feeling like the “big medicine” industry might not have your best interests at heart?

Too darn busy to get away from work or family?

But still want to make health a top priority?

If all this sounds like you, then my functional medicine telehealth program could be a great fit!

Hi, my name is Anna Evans, I’m a Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner and the founder of Interlinked Wellness.

Through my virtual practice, I’m offering cutting edge ways to upgrade and optimize your well-being. My core services include:

Holistic and Functional Medicine: We will dive into your bloodwork and learn what is going on inside your body. Together, we will create a personalized lifestyle plan that optimizes your diet, movement, and recovery to enhance your health. Consider this an upgraded version of primary care!  

Chronic Condition Management: Suffering from a chronic health problem that is impacting your quality of life? We’ll use cutting edge testing and analysis to get to the root cause of your issue and take action to heal you in a practical and holistic way.

Peptide Therapy: Used by pro athletes and Navy SEALs to achieve peak performance, peptides are the best of functional medicine. Within a few short weeks, you’ll see improvements like better sleep, endless energy, and accelerated muscle growth.

NAD+: Want to turn back the clock on aging? NAD+ is a powerful coenzyme that can reverse signs of aging, improve mental clarity, and even extend lifespan.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women: Often described as “life-changing”, Bio-Identical HRT will eliminate brain fog, shred fat, boost libido, and get you feeling better than you did in your 20’s.

Semaglutide & Tirzepatide: Doing all the right things, but the scale just isn’t budging? Try this new “miracle” weight loss treatment and lose 10+ pounds in as little as 6 weeks (without crazy diets or endless exercise).

And the best part? All of these treatments (and more) are available via telehealth appointments.

I often get asked why I chose to make Interlinked Wellness a telehealth practice.  

First and foremost, virtual medicine allows you to get the focus and attention that you deserve as a client.

Many of us have had the experience of sitting in a waiting room, trying not to get coughed on, only to go to a private room and wait some more as the doctor sees other people… There’s none of that here! Instead, each appointment is fully focused on you and your health.

On top of this, my patients love the convenience and accessibility of receiving care from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for lengthy travel or time off work. The privacy of discussing their concerns from home is particularly appreciated, especially when addressing sensitive issues.

Also, the ease of accessing healthcare services leads to improved outcomes, as patients are more likely to seek early diagnosis and adhere to treatment plans, ensuring they receive the best possible care. Which is really what matters!

If this sounds like the type of healthcare you’ve been searching for, then I’d like to invite you to a complimentary virtual consultation. We’ll evaluate what’s going on with your health, and you’ll walk away with a clear plan of action.

Just click the link below and you’ll be able to select a time on my calendar.

Request Appointment | Interlinked Wellness | SimplePractice (

I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Yours in Health,

Anna Evans

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