5 Keys for Navigating Menopause with Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine
Anna Evans
July 14, 2024
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Navigating Menopause with Functional Medicine

After working with hundreds of suffering perimenopausal and menopausal women, I came to realize:

Everything you’ve been taught about menopause is WRONG!

So if you’ve ever felt like you seem to gain weight from lettuce…

Or like you don’t have the energy levels you used to, and it’s getting harder to get through the day…

Then you are not alone.

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life. But, it often comes with challenges that can be overwhelming. Hormonal imbalances and physical changes make many women feel like their body is working against them.

But this doesn’t have to be the case. In this blog, I will share the five key areas that form the foundation of my approach to menopause treatment. They are: finding root causes, nourishing the body, proper movement, fostering community, and committing to growth.

Identify: Understanding Your Body’s Needs

The first step in managing menopause effectively is to identify what’s happening inside your body. At Interlinked Wellness, I stress the need for thorough bloodwork and lab tests. They help us find the true causes of your symptoms. These tests provide a detailed picture of your hormonal levels, nutrient deficiencies, and overall health status.

A one-on-one personal assessment allows us to review your lab results together, helping you understand what changes will have the most significant impact on your health. With this information, we can create a personalized approach tailored to your specific needs.

This personalized plan ensures that you are not just treating symptoms but addressing the root causes of your discomfort. And this will help you get to where you want to be as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Nourish: Food as Medicine

The saying "food is medicine" holds especially true during menopause. Getting proper nutrition is one of the most crucial elements of menopause treatment. But why?

Estrogen, which is a woman’s fountain of youth, drops during menopause. This often leads to low energy levels, among other things. The constant fatigue triggers carb cravings (the body wants a quick source of energy), which can result in weight gain.

Muscle is vital because it helps burn fat more efficiently. But muscle mass also declines due to a drop in testosterone, making it even harder to lose the new weight. In short, if a woman doesn’t change her diet, it is EASIER than ever to gain weight and HARDER than ever to lose it.

Therefore, women in menopause should eat lots of protein. This will help them maintain and even gain muscle. By focusing on a balanced diet of whole foods that emphasizes proteins, you can support your body through this transition and help mitigate many common menopausal symptoms.

Movement: Adapting Your Exercise Routine

Exercise is a critical component of maintaining health during menopause. But for most women, the approach needs to change. High-intensity cardio workouts, which might have worked well before, can now do more harm than good. These hard exercises can deplete low cortisol levels. This leads to more fatigue and further hormonal imbalances.

Instead, focusing on lower-intensity, lower-impact strength training is more beneficial. Building muscle is key for staying youthful and managing weight. Strength training supports this without overtaxing your adrenal system.

Replace cardio with activities like weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or kettlebells. These activities can help you build and strengthen muscle without making fatigue worse. This approach not only preserves muscle but also boosts energy and well-being!

Community: Finding Support and Connection

Loneliness is a common feeling among women experiencing hormonal imbalances during menopause. Even with the best care, the journey can feel isolating. That’s why building a community is crucial. You can connect with other women that are going through similar experiences. This can give you emotional support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

I’m committed to creating a supportive community for women at all stages of their journey. That's why it’s now part of my menopause treatment program, The Hormone Healing Method.

This community is a space where you can share your wins, support one another, and enjoy camaraderie. Engaging with others who understand your challenges can significantly enhance your healing process and make the journey less daunting!

Continued Growth: Embracing Lifelong Learning

The final key to menopause treatment at Interlinked Wellness is the commitment to continued growth. Understanding your body and learning how to support it is an ongoing process. Staying informed about the latest research and strategies for managing menopause can empower you to make the best choices for your health.

To help you on this path, I have put together a FREE masterclass that delves deeper into the topics discussed here. In this masterclass, you will learn about the most important discoveries in holistic menopause care, based on my experience helping hundreds of women.

This resource is designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your well-being. I highly recommend watching this masterclass if you want to learn:

  • The 3 surprising ways women in menopause are reversing weight gain (including one client who lost 20 pounds in just 6 weeks)
  • How every woman over 40 can turn back the clock and feel like she did in her twenties
  • What to do to stop menopause fatigue before it gets even worse
  • And much more....

Just click below to watch the masterclass and take the first step towards a healthier, happier menopause journey.

>> https://anna-evans.com/register

Managing menopause with functional medicine is more than just treating symptoms. It's about understanding and supporting your body in a holistic way.

By finding your needs, eating well, changing your exercise, joining a community, and committing to learning, you can navigate menopause with confidence and grace.

Embrace this journey as an opportunity for growth and transformation, and know that you are not alone!

Yours in Health,

Anna Evans

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